Desember 24, 2009

vote my pict

HappY HoLiday for all..
I do hope all of you get an unforgetable holiday for this time.

for this section..
i post some pictures that i took yesterday...

these are a nice trip for me..
in every destination, i always used my camera to caught some scenery that i loved..hihihi^^

oy Guys..these pictures are original from camera without an edited!!
Let's check this out:

did you see my pict???
i need you vote...
which one is the best pict??
thank you before...



11 komentar:

Ojak mengatakan...

cari sudut pandang lain donk
kok ngadap matahari terus

tangan siapa yang nongol tuh?

sheo mengatakan...

bagus semua ji
tapi kkk pling suka yg numb 4 dr bawah

lododuie mengatakan...

@jekki: jie ngambilnya dari dalam mobil jek..jadi ngehadap ke sana-sana ajj...

@k c'o : jie juga suka yang itu

NASHA mengatakan...

cHa sukak yg gmbar ke 1,8, 13 . . .

Anonim mengatakan...

El says : aq ska photo yg ada tngan sbg objeknya. Bgus jie... Mdah2 km bs menyaingi photographer abg aku. Tingktkn truz photograph km jie.. ^_^

lododuie mengatakan...

@mbak: hahahaha..thank's udah mao ng-hitung urutan fotonya...

@el: thank's

zha_reza mengatakan...

aq ska yg numb 2 n 8 dr atas..
yg numb 2,, awan'a ad yg kyk love.. krennn

Mr_NoNaMeJr™ mengatakan...


smua foto-nya bgus2 :D

tpi kok ad matahari smua yah @_@
jdi *silau nih -__-"

btw, i'm vote no. 5 sma yg trakhir..^^

the boy who against the world mengatakan...

nggak keren.
terlalu biasa.

lododuie mengatakan...

@reza: ok ok laa...

@ Mr NonameJr: ur vote.. namanya jugag potret dadakan..

@ican: biarin...suka-suka uji dunk

the boy who against the world mengatakan...


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